Welcome to my "Other" Page
Welcome to my quote page. This page is dedicated to sayings that I like for some reason or another. However since I am just starting on this page feel free to explore my progress on another page. Or you could go back to Wonderland

- "Just get it all out!" -- Disney World Mom
- "Trust no one, no where, and at no time." -- me
- "Find a penny, pick it up, and all the day you'll have good luck." -- my family modo
- "I've been on 331 wooden coasters, see that one I've been on that one 100 times in one day" -- Scary Roller-Coaster man
- "THEY HAD TO DUMP THE PEOPLE!!!" -- Eric White
- "Pulled a Mickey" -- Dominique Giroux
- "Si. I know horney." --Jesus
- "Canipus Stupida" -- Matt Krause
- "G'me your balls" -- Libby Brackley

- "Earth to Buffy, Earth to Buffy, come in Buffy." -- Miss. Harkness

- "Open, shut them. Open, shut them. Give a little clap. Open, shut them. Open, shut them. Lay them in your lap." -- Miss. Elka
- "Don't make me the bitch!" --Paul Landefeld
- "I am a new woman now!" -- Natural Born Killers
- "Life is at an end where the kingdom of God begins." -- Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols in the Vision of Nietzsche,71.
- "You Dumbass, you wore your sunglasses on the rollercoaster." -- Vanessa Franko
- "You stupid bitch - I'm a snake." -- Natural Born Killers
- "Do these stairs go up or down?" -- Ms. Jenskco
- "If he leaves me then its his loss." -- me
- "Cornflakes" -- Dave Vernar
- "Watch out for the bad nickels." -- my mom (Penny)
- "Drive by squirting" -- Lindsey Minor

In addition to quotes, I am adding my likes and dislikes. I'll start with my dislikes cause bitching is easy.
- Severna Park High School

- Blue ink
- Oasis
- Asphalt (Broadneck's '98 Prom)
- Rotten Watermelons

Okay, now here are some things I like.
- Prodegy, Blind Melon, Poe, Counting Crows, Nursey school songs
- Loose Change
- Stars (esspecially Jared Leto)

- the words: josseled, chiseled, and (oops i forgot the last one!)
- Pickles
- Skeletar
- Slurpees
- Natural Born Killers (the movie)
- Eyes

- My cat (Peaches--she is fat, and can do tricks.)

Oh, by the way you are number 
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