BOAR! read this is your name is BOAR! (uhh, don't ask)
Super Kitty, my weird children's story
My Story based on "The X-files", Rooftops
My Blaise Pascal page, not very good, but I got an A!
Some Links
Lin's page
Heidi's page, she's psycho
The Cantina- Star Wars chat, Lin made me put it on!
I hope you had fun either laughing at my stupidity or something me any suggestions, and to close out here is a nice little quote I read in a book, "If you are intellegent, beautiful, and have a vagina, you can rule the world." Isn't that the funniest quote you ever heard? I said that to a guy once and he said, "yeah I know, it really sucks!" I don't think he realized I was being sarcastic...
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