The official web site of GOD (all hail!)
The best fucking hardcore band to come out of Minnesota (and alot of other places too assholes!)
A kick ass site to learn about body modifacation
Follow me now and I will drown you, fill you full of reason. No windows, I'll take you to the dirty place that I love...(AHC)
Greetings ASSHOLES! Obviously, if you are here you wish to learn a thing or two about me. I'm a 19 year old female from the Minneapolis area of Minnesota and I hate you.
Hobbies would be consuming DrUgS, Partying, Listening to and Making Music, wEEd, Reading, Drawing, and Late Night Rondevous with Satan. NOT interested in sports, country music, and any 30-40 year old men that want to tell me about how they get orgasms from hooking up electrical transformers to thier fucking cocks.
If you really want to know about my family, you are fucking stupid.
My friends are bad ass. I dont keep myself in the company of stupid fucks so obviously, I have alot of respect and MUCH LOVE for my friends.