Welcome to what is, and always has been, even before it's exsistence, the most boring page on the web.

We will begin with a photograph of the aurora borealis.

And a true story.

     Mindy seemed to be very upset.  You could tell by the way she tried to slowly release it through noise.  A stamp on a crack in the sidewalk.  Bam.  A kick of the curb.  Thud.  Fingers in the fence.  Tat-tat-tat.  Lunchbox on the pole.  Tinggggg.  Well.  That was kind of neat.  But still.
      Christ.  It's not like Mindy always threw these fits.  I mean, she really had every right to be angry.  First, the librarian yelled at her for writing the name Ashley Crews on one of the schools precious Beverly Cleary novels.  Had the monster any investigative skill whatsoever, she could have deduced that a more likely suspect would have been the other girl with a purple pen, whose name, conveniently enough, was Ashley Crews.  But no.  Pouncing on a conclusion, then roaring at her.  It wasn't a yell at all.  She was just like a lion with that unkempt hair.  A roar.  A bigger person would have apologized.  Of course, a bigger person probably wouldn't have fit in the undersized library. The librarian's tounge seemed to favor the flavor of toasted cheese sandwiches.  Oh she just made her so mad.  Maybe even worse than Paul.  Stupid Paul.
      Stupid Paul.  Normally all those names didn't bother her a bit.  It was really more embarrassing for him.  Honestly.  How could any self-respecting kid use the phrase Mindy Kidney then pat himself on the back for the zinger.  She and the other kids could have laughed him right off the blacktop had it not been the fact that the other kids seemed fascinated with this term "Mindy Kidney" and bought into the implication that it was a somewhat severe insult.
     And had today been a simple Mindy Kidney remark there would have been no problem.  But it wasn't a poke with a stupid name, nor a push in the dirt.  Right in front of all those other kids.  He said she was a bore.  A real bore.  "She is a real bore."  The nerve of that kid.  He does nothing.  Nothing.  Just... pushes around girls.  Mom says that it's because he likes them.  Funny way to treat someone you like.  But some of the other girls liked him.  She heard them talking.  Idiot boy.  Idiot girls.  When would they grow up.  Mindy often wondered. 

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