~*Tiffany's Page*~

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Hey!!! My name is Tiffany Lisa Bumb.  My friends call me Tiff.  I am 15 and a Sophomore at Seneca East High School.  I'm not going to list all the things I do or stuff I'm in on this page.  I just wanted to make a web page that kinda tells about who I am and how much my friends mean to me.  Friends may come and go, but only real true friends stand by you no matter what you do.  "You Can Never Have Too Many Friends"....and they are:  Amy {some guys are The Sh*t..some are just Sh*t), Sara (Matt, need I say more?}, Amanda {you are always there for me}, Sandy {You make work so fun...remember our dances at the DM?}, Keri {We have been friends since elementary...I still have the pic of us w/ balls under our shirts pretending we were preg. & u were wearing a KIX Kids shirt! LOL...remember that??}, Sam {u r the man, thanks for walking out with me to the bus, i wish i could c u more than i do!}, Little Matt boy {Whatever happened to your ball retriever???.....you & Chuckles made S. Hall soooo fun last year!..even tho' u tried to attack me w/ a music stand!}, Little {Pizza Hut will never be the same...and u better slow down!}, Christopher Robin {Even tho we have had both good times & bad..I'm glad we were able to stay friends thru all of it.}, Andy {although my sister has a major "crush" on you...we can still be friends..right???}, Jon {You r a great field commander and friend..please don't make me run!!!...or yell @ me!}, Chad {You & I have had our ups and downs...but I will never, ever forget what u said on the Mineride @ CP}, Ben {Oh Ben, where do I begin?..I've had fun voice chatting w/ u, & I enjoy seeing u at the races...Go Firefighter 2000!I miss u!}, Lee {I remember ridin' the school bus w/ u in elementary, Y r u so defensive of your little black bag?, u r seriously gonna hurt somebody!}, Allan {I still have your star shakers!..and I know what they do to you!!!!  The races just wouldn't be the same if it weren't for your singing.  May the BLUE BEAST live 4~ever!! Thanx for being there when I needed to talk...u r a really great friend.}, & last but definitely not least..Chuckles!! {no one, but NO ONE can ever be like Chuckles..doesn't matter how hard they try, they broke the mold when they made him.  "Juanita"..remember the times I painted your face w/ "war paint"???  Thank u very much for coming up to visit me at the DM...it's so fun to talk w/ u...I forget that I'm suppose to be working!  If I ever had a bad day......all's I know is.."WHERE'S CHUCKLES??????"   And last but not least..To all my SENIOR friends...You have absolutely NO idea how much I'm going to miss you next year!!! P.S. Justin..I will never forget our trip to K~Mart and Wally~World, I can't believe we didn't get kicked out! But I want to go again REAL soon. We kinda had too much fun! Next time u HAVE to call me to the service desk!
P.S. To my friend Jake O'Dell, u are a great friend and I really want u to seend me one of your puppies!!  I will talk to u soon.