A web page dedicated to Tori Amos, the goddess of music.

If you're a Tori Amos fan then you well know how talented and entrancing she is. From her debubt cd Little Earthquakes to her last cd, To Venus and Back she has captured the hearts of millions:) She has managed to produce cd after cd and every one is as good as the last...her magic never fading! I hope you enjoy this web site dedicated to Tori Amos!!!

This web page has Tori Amos Pictures, Links, Articals, and Tori quotes, discography, biography, midis, mailingists, tori-merchandise and tori e-cards. I hope you enjoy!


I would like to put up a page of Tori Song meanings so if you would like to share your interpretation of one of Tori's songs just e-mail with your interpetation, name(you don't have to give your name if you dont' want to) and e-mail address. Thank you!

Here are the awards that I have won:) Thank you for awardign them to me!!!:)

This Ode to the Beauty Queen site is owned by
Joy Palumbo.

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