Original Screenplays
by Peter Sankey

Like hundreds of thousands of others out there, I desperately hope to one day become a professional screenwriter. I like to think I've got a hint of talent, but you be the judge. Here are some of the original screenplays I've written. Love them or hate them, I'd be very interested in hearing some of your comments.

Contact me at:

RR #2
Owen Sound, Ont. N4K 5N4

Phone: (519) 376-1348
E-mail: spanky_edge102@hotmail.com

Last update: November 2, 2003

The Few, The Proud, and The Undead
(Horror, 98 pages)

Four tough, gruff soldiers venture deep into enemy territory to recover a crashed satellite. The mission is soon put in jeopardy after an attack by a strange, vicious creature. The soldiers are then forced to turn their weapons on each other, as one by one they are transformed into blood-thirsty zombies!

A brutal splatter-comedy in the tradition of Evil Dead II and Dead Alive, this is a story filled to the brim with blood, guts, guns, and foul language. Fun for the whole dysfunctional family!

(Horror, 131 pages)

Choas and anarchy reign as alien begin to invade the planet. Five young men take refuge in an empty high school. Relations are strained as the boys argue over how to cope with the situation, while the horde of fierce, savage aliens grows outside. Things quickly goes from bad to worse when one of the young men finds a loaded gun...

A dark look at the relationship between boys, agression, and guns. This modern-day Night of the Living Dead asks some tough questions without providing any easy answers, but it does so with a large, healthy dose of action and humour.


All work contained within this web site is the property of Peter Sankey. Please don't steal it.
(c) 2001
