Hi KIDS! WElcome to 3some's welcome page this is it, SO you have no friends and no one wants to go ou twith you thus you are left alone to spend the rest of your miserable life infront of a computer screen....SUCK!!!Well here come the big choice that could reshape your life...
Do you personally find anything wrong with snorting washing up powder, injecting your pets with highly addictive stimulants,
grevious bodily harm, self mutilation, extortion, worshiping
false gods, sadomasochism, bondage, dominatrix,YOU PERVERT welcome HOME...please enter...breaking the law
is cool...especially when you get to jail and your cell mate, who
for some unknown reason they call big dong,drops his soap in the shower and asks you to pick it up for him.......hheheheee BREAKIN THE LAW right!!!!enjoy

So...it's up to you...What you gonna do...BE a MAN or a pussy?(MEN DO PREFER PUSSY !!)
Click on the bad ass guy to enter...or on the
Gasper to remain a loser and visit DISNEY.com .