Welcome to
Jeff's Cool and Groovy Home Page!!!!

hi. I am Jeff and I am a graduate of the School of Computer Science at Carleton University in beautiful, but cold Ottawa, Canada. I am 25 years old and love music, dancing, cheesecake, tea, ummmmmm, oh yah and i guess i sorta like computers too. I have been working as a software developer at Nortel since my graduation. I was very lucky to have completed the third year of my studies at The University of East Anglia in Norwich England.

Why don't you click here to view a document showing my extensive, amazing, cool, hip and happening, boogy till you drop, what are you gonna do when the bass hits you, music Collection

Take a little peak at my favourite newsgroups alt.music.synthpop and alt.cuddle

I'm falling..... I'm Falling......I'm spiralling into the eighties! See my favourite music, movies and other cool things from the 80's. Join me on a mind expanding journey through the 1980's. May the eighties live on forever!

The Supersonic Guide is the definative guide to British music. I absolutely adore the bands that come out of Britain. Oh yah and if you are ever in Ottawa, check out the cool club Zaphod Beeblebroxo , as you will hear all the latest British music and you will even see me! You can't miss me, I will be the guy flailing around on the dance floor wearing one of my many Sesame Street t-shirts or my Mr.Messy t-shirt (yup that cool pink scribbly guy just below!)

I LOVE Sesame Street, I guess I am just a big kid a heart! Ernie, Bert, Elmo, Slimy, Bob and Joe Martian, they are all cool!! So take a look at I Love Sesame Street for lots of cool Sesame stuff. I have the words to The Wubba part of the Monster in My Mirror Song

Have You Seen This Chicken?

... Choose Life... But why would I want to do a thing like that?

Oh yah...if you click on any of the Mr. Men on this page, You will be zoomed off to the Mr. Men Page!!
Say hi to Mr. Bump for me while you are there, ok?

lots and lots and lot of Mr. Men....

Big Huggies!

Jeff Main
