A Proud Canadian
Careful, Flamebo's watching you.
Hi. My name is Flamebo, welcome to my first web page.
Why is a green dragon designing web pages you may ask? Well me and my other dragon friends were sitting around roasting marshmallows one day (we don't need to build a fire you know) and we started talking about the lack of dragon presence on the internet. So being the ambitious dragons we are we decided to do something about it.
I like to watch Xena with my fellow dragon friends. I first started watching when I heard there was going to be a green dragon on the show. Much to my disappointment it wasn't my long lost cousin but an emperor from China (Chin'). I kept watching the show hoping some dragons would show up (it takes place in ancient Greece after all), I'm still waiting.
Visit my friends Xena page to learn more.
In case you are wondering how a dragon is able to design a web page, here is your answer. I am a college-educated dragon. Yes dragons are able to attend university. I went to school at Saint Mary's University in Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada.
To visit my school click below.
I once visited the beautiful seaside town of Lunenburg. I liked it a lot.
Click below...come see for yourself.
In fact I liked Nova Scotia so much that I have posted a few pictures of Canada's Ocean Playground.
I'm a big fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I especially like the character of Angel. He is a 200 plus year old vampire and we met in the French Alps in 1840. We have been good friends ever since.
I put up a few pictures of Angel and his friends from the cast.
Send me your comments on my design. Dragon's care you know.
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© November 2 1998.