One of the best sites for Garcia information
I want to tell you about a young man I met sometime this past month. His name is Matthew Cavedon, he's 11 years old. Mat's only "real" handicap is he in a wheel chair. Mat has to be one of THE most Out going kids I've ever met.He doesn't let the fact that he's wheel chair bound slow him down. He is the Chairman of the Junior Advisory Board for an Awsome non-profit organization called Boundless Playgrounds�.Please visit Them at the link below and by all mean please donate anything you might be able to spare.Money is nice but time is priceless.Suport the cause so that all of our children can be "Children" on any playground.Check them and see what I mean. PLEASE!
GD Tickets
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Boundless Playgrounds� Boundless Playgrounds logo is a registerd trade mark and property of Boundless Playgrounds�.
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