


Quote of the Day: "I can fix anything...where's the duct tape" - Halliiee
Tuesday October 19, 2004
Its been a long time I know but nothing really happened. School is school...nothing more...nothing less. People are people. Oh well. As for this weekend, it was almost a wash. Nothing happened Friday...Saturday fell apart, and nothin usually happens on Sunday.  It would have been a complete wash if it weren't for Amber who called me a gazillion times over the weekend...made me feel special. Anywho I can't wait till can visit. But there will be no mercy in Mario Kart 64. :-P Sean's soul continues to die with each consecutive defeat at various video games at my hands. But oh well...its all in good fun. As of tonight Amber wins the award of Best Phone Conversationalist. The record phone convo is over 3 beat that. Oh well, thats all I can think about so until next time...