Welcome to Ben and his page o' fun!
Here you might find things such as links to various fun sites that Ben seems to enjoy! Also, you might find a tidbit or two about Ben's personal life! Maybe even a few of Ben's stupid human tricks (ie. mutations). After which, you might want to look at a list of what Ben considers good music, if Ben ever gets the urge to put that on the web. And you might want to find out why Ben likes to write in 3rd person sooooo uterly much!
Well, I decided to join the legions of others as I sat at home, post-gov school by making my very own homepage. (Note: That means, on my own, not forced to, like I was at gov school . . . :) So, if you really care, here's a link and such. I think you might like the site. I know I sure do :)

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1999(c) This website has been created by a certain Ben Osborn who shall
remain anonymis for legal reasons and because he is quite unable to spell.
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