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   WITHIN A YEAR  was  an album that
took us nearly a year to complete. We did a lot of late night recording after work, and at times, it did take it's toll on us but we survived.
   If you would like to purchase a copy just e-mail at address below or gives a line about what you think of the web page or if you get a chance come listen to us at one of our gigs listed below.

Be sure to ask about our new DEMO. It contains 2 new songs and an old song that has been re-done.

Upcoming shows:

Sept. 15    Jackies Bar           Main St.                 Bacliff, TX

Oct. 6       Jackies Bar           Main St.                 Bacliff, TX

Nov. 10    Jackies Bar           Main St.                 Bacliff, TX      

Alright a drum machine -Ricker

I got it all covered -Alon

Just Keep Up -Rob

New sounds, new songs, hmm. -Lee

I know I can play this thing -Alex

email us at   leedecor@aol.com