I intend to use this website for live mp3's and
tablature of various bands such as pearl jam,metallica
nirvana and smashing pumpkins as they are the bands who
I have bootlegs of. Also I will dedicate part of the
site to Bruce Lee among others.
Rest of site
Cherub Rock on SNL: Smashing Pumpkins
All are zip files contact me if you have any problems or questions
Cherub Rock: Smashing Pumpkins acoustic
Dancing in the Moonlight: Smashing Pumpkins(not the version on the bside of disarm)
Enter Sandman: Smashing Pumpkins
Smells Like Teen Spirit: Smashing Pumpkins
Apathy: Smashing Pumpkins
Bambi Kill: Nirvana
Bullet With Butterfly Wings: Smashing Pumpkins(Demo)
C'mon: Smashing Pumpkins
East: Smashing Pumpkins
Egg: Smashing Pumpkins
Ode to no one: Smashing Pumpkins(Demo)
Glass'theme: Smashing Pumpkins(Live)
I am one part 2: Smashing Pumpkins
Jellybelly: Smashing Pumpkins(Demo)
Jennifer Ever: Smashing Pumpkins
Junkyard: Nirvana
Mellon Collie...: Smashing Pumpkins(Demo)
Misery: Nirvana
Mother: Smashing Pumpkins
Muzzle: Smashing Pumpkins(Demo)
Are you gonna go my way: Metallica
Pencapchew: Nirvana
Razor: Smashing Pumpkins
She: Smashing Pumpkins
Spiteface: Smashing Pumpkins
Stars falling: Smashing Pumpkins
The end: Nirvana
Tonight tonight: Smashing Pumpkins
Tonight tonight: Smashing Pumpkins(Demo)
Unknown: same as this
Index...: Same
Bruce...: same
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