> Lisa Sasanuma
Hello everyone. I am Lisa Sasanuma and I live in Dumont, NJ. I go to
school at IHA and I
am a sophomore. In school, I am involved in tennis and spring track
Outside of school, I go to Japanese school and play indoor tennis four days a
week. I have an older brother who is a junior at Bergen Catholic. In
my free time I love to listen to music, watch tv, and hang out with friends.
My friends think that I am obsessed with the Backstreet
Boys, 98 degrees, and 'NSYNC.
I think so too!
My favorite actors are Ryan
Phillippe and Freddie Prinze JR. If you guys don't know who they are I'm
going to shoot you! I'm just kidding! The last movie I saw with Ryan
was 54. It wasn't that bad. I liked him in "I Know What You Did
Last Summer". Couple of weeks ago I saw Cruel Intentions with my best friend Katie, and it was the bomb!!!!!! You guys, if you didn't see it you have to go see it! You will love it!. I
can't believe that he's getting married to Reese Witherspoon!

My favorite TV shows are Felicity, Dawson's Creek, and Party Of

This is JC and Justin from 'NSYNC. They are my favorite
out of the band

This is a picture of 98 degrees. They are Jeff,
Nick, Justin, and Drew. Nick and Drew are brothers. My favorite out
of the band is Jeff.

This is the Backstreet Boys. They are from left to right Kevin, Nick, Brian,
Howie, and in the middle is AJ. My favorite is Brian.
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