Drew Lachey
In case you can't tell my favorite guy from 98* is Drew Lachey.  I know that a lot of people like others from 98 degrees so I've included bios for all the guys and some group pics of them.  Have fun looking around and if you find any mistakes or want to have me put up a link/pic e-mail me here.

Group Pics
Baby Pics
Fan Fics
Things I wish'd I'd known sooner
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I am not Drew and I cannot promise that he reads your entries.
This is my banner, feel free to use it to link me to your site if you like what you see here.  If you do use my banner and have one of your own sign my guestbook to tell me and I'll put it up.  Or e-mail me here.
Not all the graphics are but the banner is.
I just adopted Drew!!!!
To adopt your own go here:
contact me here.