Hello all you fine people. How are you today? That's good. I'm glad you could join us. Come in, sit down. The party's just starting. Can I offer you a drink? I'm gonna need to see some ID before I can get you that....

Sorry about that. I go a little crazy sometimes. Don't we all? Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Stephanie. I'm 18 years old, I don't go to community college, and I drive an Infinity...oh yeah, and I'm gonna marry Adam. Who's Adam, You ask? Well, that's for me to know and you not to (NOT HUNCHBACK ADAM! there's a hint for you now leave me alone)...for more about yours truly, click Here.

This page isn't about me, though. It's about Lactose Boy. Lactose Boy, for those of you who don't know, is a band. It's our Band (My friend Mary's and mine). I should tell you a little something about Mary...hehehe..something about Mary. (Sorry. it's late. I'm tired. and I'm outta cheese!)

Mary has doesn't have purple hair anymore. Now it's kinda an easter egg. It's very Spring-like. She's also 18 and she drives a Cadillac. I don't know who she's gonna marry, but Rob Zombie's gonna be her dad and drive her to school in the DRAGULA!

Now Back to Lactose Boy. This has been an on-going project...for a couple of months now...maybe even a year! It all started with Andrew (Last Name Withheld for obvious reasons...namely, that I don't think he'd appreciate it too much), a guitar, and a big crazy dream...


Did that get yer attention? Yes? No? Maybe So? Anyways, click here. You won't be disappointed...(I'm lying. You're going to be very disappointed. So disappointed and hurt and angered that you'll hunt me down like a rabid dog in the night to seek vengence...)

Hold it right there, Mister!!

Thought ya got away....ha! I got this NEW!Page thingie here. I'm not gonna tell ya what it is. You're just gonna have to clickety-click on the clicky place and see fer yerself.

Links to other sites on the Web

A Brief (and I mean brief) History of Lactose Boy
Lactose Boy's Debut EP
Lyrics (most of 'em...some of them even in the original order...i think...) to the First Lactose Boy Song
Coming Soon! Lactose Boy's Debut Album!!
The Unoffical Lactose Boy Mascot
Some Links for Ya...don't say I don't try to help

Hate that Sunscreen Song as much as I do?

Here's something you'll hate even more--->Right Here Buddy

Look ma!Not too impressive, huh??

Please send All questions, comments and Death threats toStephanie. This is all my doing. I take full responsibility. But if you're feeling really really REALLYhostile towards me listen to this. Trust me. It's the happiest song alive.

Oh, and One more thing--Take a gander at this

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