Make sure your speakers are on!

Picture of me practicing for my first show.
By the way, this trick really burns like hell.

Note: If you point your cursor over a link for a second or two it will explain in more detail what the link is to.
Click here to see my collection of optical illusions Click here for a strange card trick that will happen right on your screen. Click here for a really cool trick on your computer desktop.  I would suggest you 'run from location' to speed things up.  Really cool...must see!!! Click here to read my bio.  I have lived a boring and sheltered life and think you want to know about it. Click here to see a gallery of pictures of me, my friends, and family.  Plus see me preforming a cardtrick in full animation. Click here to play some games.  I put this here simply to have an excuse to play missle command.
Click here to sign my guestbook Click here to read my guestbook Click here to see some of the world's greatest (ok, my favorite) magicians' websites. Click here to see some of the  greatest magic secrets revealed.

HistoryClick here to read the history of the nWoOf The nWo

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