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Well, if you were looking for a Beatles
page, you've come to the right place! I would like
to dedicate this page to the late, great, John Lennon. His
kindness moved a world and his death shook our world
to its core. He will always be with us. To John, for
the wonderful gift he has given all of us, his music.
Why do I like the Beatles? Well, that's a
very good question. I like them because they had such
good music and for their ideas, which for the '60s, were
very original. I mean, just look at Abbey Road. They included
a hidden track on it, which today, people would marvel
at on a CD. "Hey, at the end of my CD, there's another
song!". They were the innovators of music in the '60s.
Just look at Sgt. Pepper. The first few albums released
had a psychedelic album envelope; the first of it's kind.
These are only a few examples of the innovative things
they did. And as for the rest, I'll get into those later.
Back to the original question. I like them because I do. I
guess they're like apple jacks that way. We just like
them because, we do! Their music has always seemed good
to me. I have enjoyed the Beatles from long ago. Granted,
I'm only 21, but I can remember lip synching to their
songs in my room when I was only five. I thought they
were better then anyone else I had ever heard. Yep, that's
why I like them.The messages in their songs are so simple
and true. They just want to make you feel the same way
they did when they wrote them |
