Van Halen MIDI Files

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This site contains all the MIDI files, lyrics, and guitar tablature related to Van Halen that I could find in the internet community. If you find any other Van Halen files, please email Peter. There are also links to some of the most popular Van Halen sites. Please note that many of the lyrics have errors in them... there still is debate over what the hell Dave was actually singing about!

[MIDI Files] [Guitar Tab] [Lyrics] [Movie References] [Bootlegs]

Album: Van Halen

Album: Van Halen II

Album: Women and Children First

Album: Fair Warning

Album: Diver Down

Album: 1984

Album: 5150

Album: OU812

Album: For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge

Album: Live: Right Here, Right Now

Album: Balance

Album: Best of Volume 1

Album: Van Halen III

Album: Thriller (Michael Jackson)

David Lee Roth

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Peter Wong.
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