This will be the official homepage of the band, HAMMERLOOP. One of the hottest new bands to hit the scene.
Please stay tuned for images and sounds of the band.
These are some pictures of Hammerloop at a local club. It was a pretty good gig. I had a Blast!!!. I had some problems with the scanner I was using, so please excuse the roughness of these pictures. I hope to get some better pictures up soon. We are currently working on a demo so come back to hear some carefully placed waves from the band called HAMMERLOOP!!!!
As for name is Joel Fortner. I run the mixing board while they perform. I am still kinda new at it, but I haven't got anything but compliments on the sound so far. Well, thanks for checking us out and come back later and I will hopefully have some pics up. This is a small pic of me and my son I will have better ones up soon. And for all the ladies..I am still single..hehehe..LATER!!!!
You are number
If you would like to E-mail the band, send you e-mail to: Hammerloop