What you are about to see is a list of oldies songs from my record collection (LP's, 45's,
demo's, promo's and a couple of CD's).
What's the purpose of posting a music collection on the www ?
Well...I've been collecting sixties music for over 20 years and people kept asking me "what
do you have?" or "did he/she sang that?", "What year was that song recorded?" etc...
That's the reason this website was created.
You'll find songs from three decades here, but the focus is on sixties music. In percentage
this comes down to 1950s (4%), 1960s (90%) and 1970s (6%).
In the first version of the database, only Anglo-saxon artists were included. Upon request
I've now entered foreign 60s artists as well from, among them South American,
Scandinavian and Japanese artists. I've also updated the release years.
I have a wide variety of (sixties) musical styles, but my love lies in obscure late 60s groups.
Artists who only made on or two 45rpm's and never had any airplay. Therefore browse with
care not to overlook those gems.
Both the artists and their songs are listed in alphabetical order to make it easy to look
up a name or a title.
I've chosen to use the first letter of the last name for a solo artist.
For example, you'll find Petula Clark, listed under "C", so look
for CLARK Petula. Paul Anka can be found under ANKA Paul, etc.
A group like The Dave Clark Five will be listed under "D", so look for DAVE Clark Five.
Other groups use the name of the lead vocal, followed by "and" the name(s) of the backing
vocals. In such cases, like Paul Revere & The Raiders are listed as REVERE Paul & The
For obvious reasons the word "the" in the beginning of a songtitle is not included. "
I received requests to post mp3's.
I'm sure that anyone will understand that this is a time consuming thing.
I will try to upload a couple of mp3's next month (June 1999). Please note that only chorus-clips will be posted, because of the copyright laws and because of the limited webspace. It's adviced to delete the mp3 clip, once you've heard it.
Please note that none of the records in the database are for sale. If you want to buy something, take a look in the "for sale" links.
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