
Mr. Smith and The Saucy Lads Basement Jam!

Meet the band:

[ Vocals ]  [ Guitar ]  [ Keyboards ]  [ Percussion ]  [ Bass ]  [ Sound ]  [ Guests ]

[ Sound Bites ]
Download clips from the Saucy Lads' repertoire in WAV and RealAudio formats

[ Groupies Corner ]
Send mail to the band, read what other people have to say, see photos...we love to hear from you!

[ Compendium ]
A collection of little known facts about the band. You'll never know what you'll find...tour schedules, oomsabenz, lyrics, usquaba, contests...

[ Well of Inspiration ]
The Muses are nine sister goddesses to whom inspiration in music, among other things, is attributed. Imagine going on a date with a Muse -- if it doesn't work out, you can always try one of her sisters! See what inspires the Lads here.

Check out the best in Canadian bands on the Canadian Music Webring. Some have even managed to crawl out of the basement, though I'll bet they are nostalgic about those days (yeah, right!)

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Mr. Smith & The Saucy Lads.
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visitors have stumbled down the basement stairs.