<html><script src="/_assets/midi/bg-sound.min.js"></script><script>BgSound.enableCompatMode({baseUrl: "/_assets/midi/"})</script>pg.1 of OS's acid walk homepage</html>
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«oRaNgEsUnShInE's AcId WaLk»

Melt your imaginatioN

EnTeR aT yOuR oWn Ri§k aNd If U bReAk iT u BuY iT ! but dont worry its all make believe or is just your mind playing those darn trick on you again!.....løl

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SiNcE 8/27/97>>>>>>>>>>>>
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atention this site is dedicated to all of the dumb people of the world! it was created through the eyes of an expert dummy himself! so if your a dumb person throw them fist in the air and let it be known!
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