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Music is an integral part of our lives and my life has been no different, that's why I have created this concoction. If you like going through a record collector's list of records/songs, then you've come to the right place. I like to call this concoction my Rock And Roll History mainly due to the subject matter and slang of the early rock and roll songs. However, my collection contains various styles of music, but mostly the old Rock 'N' Roll songs. When I come across another collectors' web pages, it's like a treasure hunt for me to see if I can find that "certain" song. I hope whoever comes across my page will at least read the "About Me" at the bottom of this page. I am hoping that maybe some of the people I grew up with and went to school with will come across my page. Please sign my guestbook.

My record collection/song collection consists of over 8,000 selections (a mere "drop in the bucket" compared to other record collectors). If I hold the original 45rpm record, I will list the record label and number after the song. My collection consists of original 45's, reissued 45's, cassette tapes, reel-to-reel tapes, original albums, reissued albums, CD's and 8-Track tapes (remember those?).

There will be nothing fancy about my page as I want to make it simple and easy to read.

NOTE: I do not recall where I got the graphics from that I have used on my web pages as I did not keep a log. If there are any that are copyrighted and you recognize them to be your own, please let me know by e-mail and I will gladly either remove them or provide a link back to your page, whatever you desire. Thank you.

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