Hi, I 'm Chris Campbell, some people call me Porkchop, others call me Barton, some people call me Maurice weet-woo.
This page is about me.
name: Christopher Barton Campbell
birthdate: March 20, 1977
birthplace: Norwalk, CT
Places lived: Westport, CT; Fairfield,CT; Easton,Ct; Monroe,CT; New York,NY; Clearwater,FL(it was 3 months-it counts)
Current home: Manhattan, New York, NY; in the east village
favorite movies: "Heathers"; "Heavenly Creatures"; "Edward Scissorhands"; anything by Terry Gilliam; "8 1/2"; "Trust"; anything by Luis Bunuel
favorite tv shows: Late Night With David Letterman; The Simpsons; The Adventures of Pete and Pete; Seinfeld; Conan O'Brien
favorite books: "To Kill A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee; "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"(all parts) by Douglas Adams; "Lolita" by Nabokov; "The Watchers" by Raymond E. Fowler
Currently reading: "The Fellowship of the Ring"(Lord of the Rings Trilogy) by JRR Tolkien
favorite comic books: Scud the Disposable Assassin; Caffeine; Johnny the Homicidal Maniac; Generation X; Akiko; Spawn; Quantum & Woody;
favorite artists: Albert Bierstadt; Salvador Dali; Luis Bunuel; Federico Fellini; Jean-Luc Godard; Liz Phair; Terry Gilliam; Louis Prima
favorite bands: The Radiation Kings; Ocean 11; Squirrel Nut Zippers; The Beatles; Crawdaddy; Punch the Clown; Skavoovie & the Epitones; Slackers; The Trojans; The Wailers; Minor Threat; Toad the Wet Sprocket(old); The Doors;
likes: hugs; cuddly girls; auburn hair; sleep; movies; films; food; Gatorade; ska shows;
dislikes: alcohol; most other drugs; snobs; money; greed; hate; lonliness
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© 1997 ccampbell@lib.schoolofvisualarts.edu