Important Note - Updated 08/16/07
Well, finally!! I hooked up with my old pals - and guess what kids... I am back into music for what I started wanting to be in music for...
Playing music I love...
With people I love.
The lineup is:
Mr. Jimmy Burns on drums.
Ms. La Davis on vocals.
Mr. Steve Bane on guitar, keys and vocals
HEY STEVE!!! Love ya Bro!
And last but not least:
Quiet... drum roll please...
Mr. Mark Graski, lead guitar and vocals.
Oh - and lil' old me on bass
This is going to be SO fun!
See you soon!!!!
Quiet now...
Should have some more new stuff up soon.
Been pretty busy... homework, job, house... cat, will be uploading some photos soon... hope everyone is doing great...till then
OK - yes some of this stuff is gettin' a bit old and I was gonna remove it - but I got an email the other day from someone who just stumbled into the site and said "Thanks" - so - I guess it will stay - I'll be trying to do some up-dating and all that - bear (er.. beer...?) with me now...
Thanks... Rob
Finally found Wyzard from Mothers Finest... I suggest you check him out at your earliest convienence. "Another Mother Further" is a good album to start with... Wickedly powerful. Amazingly tight live. Go get it now.
Hey - I just got a CD from KIRWAN BROWN
"Sightings" ... Talk about cool! Sitting here digging it now...
Thanks Kirwan.... appreciate it. Great tone, you can actually
hear the up, down & thumbs -- quality mix, expansive tone,
superlative bass playing. BUY IT!..... NOW!
Saw Victor recently w/ the solo tour- wow! - Can't believe the
lesson I recieved! Solos from all , some better than others
But, the show lasted 3 hours 45 min. Talk about "flat-out-
What a rule breaking JAM!...(RL)
I DUG IT - took a non player with me and his comment was
"That Victor Wooten guy did a solo that I never seen before,
it was unique, I can't explain it. Never thought a bass player
could make that kind of noise (a compliment). I thought the melody
came from the big guitar, like Vai, Eddie ect., and now I have
more respect for the ability of the bass player to bring the whole
sound together, focus it." Thanks Robert Medina for the insight.
Rated: 5 Floppy-headed-groove-things!
Hello & welcome! I started this newsletter (in 1995 with a 6 page book on HTML) so I wouldn't be hunched over my bass all day.
Now I can crouch over a keyboard a few hours a month!
Hope you enjoy them.
If you would like to contribute to this Newsletter.. Please just e.mail your article or
ideas to me.
Each months newsletter can be found below with an overview of its contents
This site will continue to be under construction forever.
Remember... contributions to this floppyheadedgroovespiel are accepted and
And remember.... failure to sign the guest book will result in a sever beating about the head and neck.
(just do it)(or hey, write to Congress, whatever, ya know?)
Bootsy's Back! B-B-Baby!, Glib & Droll, Rippingtons show review, The Flecktones show review.
Bass C.D. Reviews, Show of Hands & B.P. 5th Anniversary C.D. Glibb & Droll, Rock News.
Bass Gear Prices Soar, A SHOCKHEAD funk forward roll, One Mans' Music by Steve Brown
Victor Wooten Interview pt. 1, A Day in the Life by Steve Brown.
Victor Wooten interview pt. 2, Chuck Rainey Video Review, News & notes.
Victor Wooten interview pt. 3, Robert's Ramblings
Mike Finkewicz interview, News & Notes, The Price of Loyalty by Steve Brown, more..
Install a working clock in your rig & more.
If you want to know a little bit about me, just Click here.
Let me know what you think - ok? Peace.
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Published by Groove Zoo, Inc.
Questions & Comments?
Or Write:
R. Lee
Colorado Springs, CO. 80906-7733
Or Page Me:
719-385-1406 -INOPERATIVE -sorry
(click on # for online paging form)
Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited without written permission.
Copyright 2006.
If you would like to know a little about meCLICK HERE
Carry your cabinet, rack & basses up flights of stairs..and hurry it up!