About Me

Help! Help! I'm trapped in someone's frames and want out!

Erree's Place

bar lace divider

What's new?


Dec. 21, 1997 - I've added this new GeoGuide by Geocities. Is this annoying or helpful to you? Go ahead and rank my site on it while I'm trying it out. :)

Dec. 1, 1997 - I moved everything about me to (surprize) the About Me page. Did you really care anyway? I also added some awards to the Awards page so apply!

Nov. 26, 1997 - I've got my own chat room now! Though I'll probably be the only one who ever visits... :( I'll be in and out on an irregular basis. Perhaps you'll catch me. You can always email me to set a certain time if you're just dying to know more about me. (Stop that laughing!)

Nov. 21, 1997 - Added some Midi's to the Music page. Added some music links to the Links page. Updated the Guestbook.

Nov. 19, 1997 - A complete re-design of the entire site. Whew. What do you think?

bar lace divider

You are number counter to have stumbled onto my page since August 31, 1997.

Home | About Me | Poetry | Music | Photos | Links | Guestbook | Awards

E-mail: erree@hotmail.com

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