Welcome To The HipHopHut!

Is Hip-Hop Dead?:

What it do ?

This site is your one and only stop for all things relating to hiphop the lifestyle not the product.

Is HipHop the music?
Is it the dancing ?
Is the Graphitti ?
Answer : It is all 3 and so much more

  • What is a DJ ?
  • What is an MC?
  1. Where Did Hiphop start?
  2. Where is it headed?

About The Designer

My name is Mik-ko Hanks, and I am a 32-year old professional consultant living in hiphop Usa. I live, die, eat, sleep, drink love hiphop.

What is hiphop

hip-hop   Audio pronunciation of "hiphop" ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (hphp) or hip hop

  1. A popular urban youth culture, closely associated with rap music and with the style and fashions of African-American inner-city residents


Of or characteristic of hip-hop culture.


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