Jessica's Homepage
Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living

and welcome to "The Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living."
For anyone who couldn't guess, that above picture is me. :) But
what were you really expecting? You'll discover a lot of pictures
on the following pages, mostly because I believe that people are
visual creatures and we tend to like pictures. In fact, I've also
discovered that people rarely even read anything that I write
on these pages, they come only to look at the photos. :) So I
have to stick one here on the first page to keep people's interest.
=) Besides... if you're going to be subjected to all the things
on these pages, you ought to at least have an idea of who is doing
all the ranting.
right along now... So somehow you've managed to stumble upon my
little home page. How you got here is a mystery to both of us,
I'm guessing. I figure you were probably surfing that so-called
information superhighway and took the wrong exit. But don't leave
just yet! =) Sit down, relax, and share a cup of coffee with me
while you ponder where you (or your significant other) went wrong
whist reading your world-wide-web roadmap. Welcome to "The
Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living." In case you're wondering
(though I doubt anyone is), the title of this page is a quote
from Socrates. In essence, this page is an examination of my life.
You'll soon discover who
I am, what I believe, how I feel, who my friends
are, my dreams, my desires, my city, my school, basically, anything
that is of significant importance to me.
I guess I should give a little bio here so that you can decide
if you want to keep browsing this page or not. As you've probably
already noticed, my name is Jessica. I'm 21 years old and live
in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Don't worry if you don't know where
Cincinnati is, no one ever seems to. I'm a senior at the University
of Cincinnati, where I'm majoring in Communication. So you can
probably imagine that with a major like that, I love to talk.
:) I'm pretty much your average college-aged American girl. I
like to spend time with my friends, meet new people, go to dance
clubs, bars, concerts, all those things. I love shopping, clothes,
make up and shoes. :) I love self-expression in any way, shape
or form. By extension, it means I live writing, talking, photography,
and art. Kind of explains why I felt the urge to make a webpage
about myself. Well, okay, that's enough bio for now. A girl has
to keep a little mystery, right?
So what can this
page offer you? Well, I guess it depends on the mindset that you've
acquired thus far. If you're looking to have your life changed
by this little page, I'm sad to say that I think you're going
to be disappointed. Sorry. But, if you're just looking for a few
laughs, a little bit of strange insight, some poetry for your
reading pleasure, and maybe some cool links, then who knows? You
might just like it here. I hope that you find something you enjoy
here, otherwise I'm just wasting my time, eh?
I've realized that I do need to add a little more information
about myself, sort of a warning to all of you. :) I've been told
that I think too much and sleep too little. It's a vicious cycle
that I can't seem to break. Given that I like self-expression
so much, these pages my present you with some of my thoughts that
you might not agree with. But it's my page, so I get to say what
I want. :) Heehee. But seriously, I'm not asking you to agree
with me. Please don't send me hate mail if you see something on
here that you don't like. I'd love to hear from you, even if you
disagree with me (I can take criticism, lol), but please don't
threaten my life or go off on me. =) I have enough people in the
so-called real world to do those things to me.
with all this said, you can now embark upon the journey into the
examination of my life. That is, if you haven't already started
searching frantically for the "back" button on your
browser, hoping to get out of this mess. :) On the photo pages,
you can browse snapshots of me and my friends in a variety of
environments. Click on the Friends page to become acquainted with
the most important people in my life. Go to the Hobbies page to
see what I do on my free time. The Poetry page offers you an invitation
to dive right into the murky depths of my innermost thougths,
feelings, and fears. The Cincinnati page will show you all about
the place I'm proud to call home. Random thoughts is sort of like
a journal of mine where I record whatever random thoughts I happen
to be having on any random day. About me is sort of a goofy fruit
salad of things about me that didn't seem to fit in on any of
the other pages. Links is a collection of my favorite sites on
the web, I hope that you might find them enjoyable, too! Finally,
click on the scary little mailbox to make my day by sending me
an e-mail and telling me that you've visited!
so much for visiting my webpage, and enjoy the rest of your stay.
Photographs |
Friends |
Hobbies |
Poetry |
Cincinnati |
Thoughts |
Winning Lottery Number Is:
Play Responsibly =)
for all you Sesame Street Fans, this webpage is brought to you
by the letters "s" and "b" and the number
"7." Be kind to the creatures you find here.
page was last updated on August 27, 2001.
page: © Jessica Combs 2001