Greetings and Salutations

My latest trip in Portland

You may be asking "why Rumtumtuger" well I do like Cats (the Broadway show and the animal) but really its because all my other aliases were already taken. As for being an eccentric blonde that's most definitely me and any one of my friends will attest that I'm pretty dam eccentric (and blonde). I enjoy Ballet dancing, Gothic/Industrial Music, Philosophy and Costuming. To see what my latest costume I'm working on click here or check out my list of quotes.

I work at NCD as a Software QA Engineer it sounds pretty, but in reality we just break stuff all day. I work on a product called WinCenter it's a multi-user NT based on the Citrix server. My coworkers are a little strange as well, but not that strange. Look at some of my friends. I live in Beaverton which is more or less a suburb of Portland OR. If you want to see what my home looks like click on home.


Thing to fear

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