Welcome aboard My Magical Mystery Tour!
Away in the sky beyond the clouds, live four or five magicians, By casting wonderful spells, They turn the most ordinary coach trip into a Magical Mystery Tour! If you let yourself go, the magicians will take you away to marvelous places, maybe youve been on a Magical Mystery Tour without even relizing it. Are you ready to go? SPLENDID!!
You are passenger number
'elo, and welcome to my page...Im sorry its not really too great at the moment
but if you check back every so often...it will get better with time! As you can see already
I love The Beatles! There has never ever been a band, in my own opinion, as great
as the fab four! But unfortunatley I wasn't alive to see Beatlemania...anyways,
The Beatles have influenced me so much I decided to devote my webpage to them
so I hope you enjoy! Check back anytime...The tour bus always has an empty seat!
Thanx for experiencing Magical Mystery Tours...I hope you enjoyed your
trip! Please come back...oh and sign my guest book...i always like to hear from
fellow Beatle lovers! Bi!!
"Please don't wake me until late tomorrow comes, And I will not be late. Late today when it becomes tomorrow,
I will leave to go away, Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye my love, Goodbye!"
Just what is Bagism?
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