FoGo World HeadQuarters

Fogo Jr. has broken up. The four current members are involved in their lives as well as side projects, but have plans for the near future. The four of us decided that after our last show(11.13.99) we were going to leave the name "Fogo Jr." and all our established songs behind. We plan to get together and start a new band, with a new name & brand new songs. This was in effort to break all previous expectations and persue a style and message that fits our current personalities much better. Look for us in upcoming months, and as a kind of tribute here's a list of all the members of Fogo Jr., past & present:
- Storm Fox
- Michael Manuel
- Hanjong "Dan" Kolss
- Benjamin Spangler
- Thomas Dracup
- Jakob Lexso
- Matthew Rappa
Thanks to all locally and otherwise who helped out.
It was a great experience & a lot of fun. See ya round...
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