no one knows where our secrets go

If you are looking for the Smashing Pumpkins page, "Pumpkin World", you're unfortunately out of luck because it no longer exists. After existing almost two years, it was deleted in December of 1998 when the server it was on crashed. If you're looking for a great Pumpkins page, try

this happened to me twice before, won't happen to me anymore..
whatever happened to Weezer anyway... it's been 3 years since they've had anything new out.. great band, I miss them....

all of my sites were deleted and i really don't have the time or effort to rebuild them anymore. i do have a personal homepage floating out there, but i'd prefer not to give out the URL of it right now because of the fact that it might fall into the wrong hands yet once again...

wanna steal a chair?

"i miss me, i miss everything, i'll never be"

and you can't take what's already broken

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