So here's the deal. I'm going to just mess around with new ideas for a page and see what happens. I'm tired of conforming to one theme all the time, wether it be Collective Soul (which is still an awesome band by the way) or infernal/eternal weirdness/death or whatever. In fact, that word, "whatever" defines perfectly well what this page is all about. I'll leave my other pages open to be accesed from here, but I doubt I'll be updating them much any more. But you never know... By the way, if you've been to my old pages anytime recently, be sure to press the reload button on your browser. I've made a few changes, and they won't show up unless you reload them.

Click here to go to my infernal page of death.

click here to see a bunch of pictures of me

click here to visit an incredible human being's home page... the great Laura Barnard!

click here to see a list of phobias and what they mean. (some of these are a trip!)

prepare to die!

CoffeeCup HTML Express 3.0

Created with CoffeeCup HTML Express 3.0