I'm back, but the revamp on my page will be delayed due to the fact my Senior year of high school is really busy. I'd really appreciate any suggestions you have for how this page can minister to you and your friends!! GOD RULZ!!!

Tourniquet Testimonies
"Men fail me but the Son of God saves"
Tourniquet is a Christian metal band. If you want to know how they started here are two theories(I've come up with)
. Unlike other bands, Tourniquet is very special, to me and a whole lot of people. For me, it's not
just the music, or the guys, it's the ministry. These guys have encouraged, taught, and prayed for us. They put the fans needs and
tastes above their own. You don't get respect like that from a lot of bands.
God has used them to touch my life in many ways. God's led me to create this page to collect the different testimonies that us
fans have about the band. How they encouraged us, how they moved us to tears with "Broken Chromosomes".
Jesus uses the band continually in my life and this page is a testimony to the effectivness of their ministry and t
the power of God one of the most powerful bands in the world. Thank God for Tourniquet, and how He used them to bring us closer to Him.
God Bless and enjoy the page(thanks, Ted, Guy, Gary, Erik, Victor, Luke, Aaron and everyone else for staying true to God's call).
This is how many people have been here since August 18, 1997!
Sound Files
Death is Dead(a page about me!)

© 1997 E-mail me here if you have a testimony or if you have any questions!!
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