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heresy n belief or doctrine, esp. religious, that is contrary to established order.

heretic n person originating or believing a heresy. heretical adj. heretically adv.

When i was growing up the first music i got into was PuNk (Which will show how old i am).
Bands like The clash and The Dead Kennedys is what i was mad into and couldn't understand why people in general listen to such empty 'Love song' shit (still don't).
In the 80's i was big time into Conflict/Crass and The[SUB][HUM][ANZ]. Not that i don't still love em now.
But... all things move on ofcourse.
I have been in a few punk bands myself over the years Currently i play and sing in 'Global Pillage'.
Bands i love include: The Mighty Mighty Bosstones. The spermbirds, Bad religion, Korn.


At the moment i'm Playing (far too much)'Family values'(Spermbirds) in my car. 'Spouting rhetoric'(Imbalance) in work.

What Music are 'YOU' playing to death at the moment?


What others say.



MUSIC (Local Dublin Bands MP3s & Links & info)

FILM (Films I'm into)

WEIRD STUFF (Links/Info)

THE GALLERY (silly pictures of crap stuff)

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I do art in Video games to pay the rent. Coming soon to a Playstation game shop near you (In the U.S.A. first though) will be (Championship Mototcross 2001)The second in the series I've worked on. Follow the Link if you want to check out how it's doing.

7th and 8th /10/00. "ACROSS THE DECADES" PUNK FEST

Milton keanes. A bunch of us set off to England to see among many more bands to a..."two day extravaganza featuring many bands including Conflict, Subhumans, Steve Ignorant, Rubella Ballet, UK Subs, Stiff Little Fingers, The Damned, X-Ray Specs, The Selector,Peter and the Test Tube Babies, GBH, Citizen Fish, and P.A.I.N." Deadly gig. The highlights for me were The Subhumans, Conflict and the Keyboard player from the Damned getting his Keyboard fucked up when a can of beer shot out of the crowd and exploded on it and the guy running off crying. Ha Ha.

The people that put together the show The EuropeanCollective

29/4/00. HOMELANDS

HomeLands is a big, one day Dance music festival they hold in Meath up past north Dublin. To console myself on getting evicted from my house. I went and got messed up big style for the day. I was going to write about how good it was but... i don't remember much. My friend met me and said i was having a great time though. If any memorys come back i'll put them down.

I know i got trapped in a dark room for a bit. My friends said, at one point i was gropeing an old friends tit's when her boyfriend was near. Shit. What a good night.

03/5/00. BIG MOVES AGAIN & a break-in

God damn life sucks. It's always the way. I can't go through one week with out a big upset. at the start of March our new house was robbed(the night before i was going on holiday to San Francisco)and most of our stuff stolen. Except for the Playstation. I think i would of killed myself if we didn't have ISS pro to play on that little gray beauty. So we asked the Landlord(Niall Kennedy 04442830) if we could have a alarm put in out of our rent money and he said... "yes". Then a month later we said: "Are we still getting it?" and he said..."yes" Then after consistant asking last Friday 28/4/00 (The night before i was going to Homelands)after that we said: "So, when will it be put in?" And he said: "It won't. Get out!" FUCK! Now we're Homeless. Ripped off and kicked out. People are pricks. That's official. Not us though ofcourse.

03/12/99. BIG MOVES

Over the last few days the company that i work for (FunCom) has moved to the other side of Dublin.(Poxy industrial estate. Nice building though.) So... I wasn't looking forward to an even longer daily trip across town and decided it would be good to move out of my crummy flat. I've now moved in with a few mates in a house in the new area. How i got it is a weird story in it's self. Like the landlord don't know yet but, i won't go there. Anyway it's all working out grand. Cold. But grand.


Yeah, FINALLY the 'Playstation' game that i've been working on for the last few years (Championship Mototcross Featuring Ricky Carmicheal) was released in America on the 20/9/99 and here in Europe on the 6/11/99. THANK GOD.

We all decided to take a little trip over to Las Vegas last month for the official launch in ths US at the game at the world's richist motocross race. The US Open on the 8,9,10/10/99.


I've been trying to get the site looking and working better lately.

1, I've stopped those poxy Geocities adds popping up.

2, Incorporated a new navigator at the top of the pages.

3, There is going to be a qustion with the Guestbook from now on. So viewing it will give some insight into the people who sign.

In the future I will be trying to add mp3 files from my band GLOBAL PILLAGE and Irish underground bands that I know, to the MUSIC page. (I've never done this before so it may take some time). Cheers. Seány Seán.


Hotel Proprietor.

Where i work FunCom Playstation/Pc/On-line Games

If you have comments or suggestions or want to swop links email me at sean@funcom.ie

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