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Created By ZooMagna


U2 Avenue ZooSphere Music Commentaries

ZooSphere Redlight Specials

Music of Barbie

Where's the place to know U2 Useless information? Visit Trivial Things!

    03/05/01 - I have returned to updating since I am not plagued by paper after paper for school. I have been working on completeing many projects I started, but since I love to pocrastinate...I'm certain you know how it goes from there. I have thoughts of starting another web site for my favorite series of novels, Dune, but I shall never abandon U2!
    • Music Commentaries - I did not post my comments, but the comments of others!
    • U2 Time Capsule - I have finally added the years 1983-1987, so if you want to know more U2 history-ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!
  • 20/03/01 - Hello again! I was busy designing another crossword and type up two new music commentaries by yours truly! Please, don't tell me how wonderful I am! Please! Please check it out instead!
    • Album Crossword - U2 Albums is the themes here obviously.
    • Music Commentaries - Two new commentaries on whatever disgruntles me in the music scene today thanks to the radio and television.
  • 12/03/01 - Greetings! I have returned to Earth! No, I was not abducted by aliens, but my time has been conquered by college and work. Since I sacrifaced some time to update for you, whoever you may be, please enjoy the additions or updates.
    • EdgeU2cation Center - You can study at The EdgeU2cation, but I'm certain these new facts will only be review for most.
    • U2 Fan's Blind Date - The title is actually One of the Worst Dates for a U2 Fanatic, but just read the incredible ludicrous dialogue of Joshua Tree's adventure.

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Total from September 1999
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DISCLAIMER:This site was created by ZooMagna (My Geocities-Yahoo Name). All information provide on this site is based entirely on my own research through the Internet, magazines and various ources. The banners on my site-except those provided by Geocities-are entirely of my creation. All pictures provided are mostly taken from the Internet or magazines and I take no credit for producing them. All Graphics on my site were provided by Trabbie O'Malley and FreeZGrafx and please ask before you take any Graphics from my site.

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