My name Is "Angel"
Don't let the name fool ya! If it weren't for the horns...
The Halo would choke me to death!! :)
Well...I guess there was a reason you came here...
Either you are talking to me right now in some chat room.
And want to know who I am...
You were buzzing the net and happened across this page somehow.
Oh forget it!! You're here aren't you?

Now that you are here and I have your attention.
I should answer some the questions that brought you here....
As you can tell from the picture above...I'm a redhead!!
And yes I am everything you ever heard about redheads...
Well maybe not all...
Just the really good stuff!!
I'm a lover of life!
.My motto is..."You only live this life once!!"
I'm a good hearted person..
I'm a friend that will be there when you need her. Anytime! Day or night!!!!

And Oh yeah! There has been some BIG changes in my life since the last time you were here!!
I DID IT!!! I took that big plunge!! Yep...I got married!!
Let me introduce you to my loving husband...
This absolutely wonderful man's name is Louie...Known to a lot of his on line friends as NC_Snake_Man.
I met this crazy guy almost 2 years ago. He captured my heart almost immediatly!! Our first night out together (although not planned) was almost magical!!
Not only was he the perfect gentleman-He is intelligent-funny-romantic-affectionate-loving-etc. etc. etc.....I could go on and on!
We were marrried (handfasted) on October 31st 2003. Yes that's right...Halloween to some...The Pagan New Year to others.
Louie has shown me a love and happiness that I thought no longer existed. Now I know what an all consuming love is!
Thank you Louie! You are the world to me and I love you with all my heart!!!

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Kiss me
And I'll take you to meet the family!!