We've run out of space on this site and are looking for somewhere bigger to hold our midi files so they can be used as a free resource to all churches. If you know of anywhere or anyone willing to give up some web space, then please get in touch using the links below. Also, any denomination looking for a musical employee on a full time basis, get in touch, I'm looking for my dream job, creating free musical resources for all churches whether it's midi files, MP3's, band arrangements, you name it, I will sort it, the e-mail link is below.
The majority of these midi file arrangements can be
found in the COMPLETE MISSION PRAISE worship songbook.
Feel free to use the E-mail links below to contact me with comments / suggestions.
Remember, all these midi files have been set up for my Yamaha XG Keyboard (a lot of the new files are all XG voices,far
superior voices to normal GM voices), they may sound different on your own PC / keyboard.
These files are free to use for non commercial purposes only - they are to help in the Worship of God only.
"Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and
spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving
thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ." Ephesians 5 v.19 - 21

Let's Praise! Songbook

Mission Praise
Above The Voices Of The
World |
All Over This World |
Alleluia |
As We Are Gathered |
Be Bold |
Christ The Lord |
Come On and Celebrate |
Create In Me |
Crown Him |
Father God I Wonder |
Father We Adore You |
For I'm Building A People of
Power |
For The Beauty Of The Earth |
Go Tell It On The Mountain |
Hosanna |
I Cannot Tell(Londonderry
Air) |
Jehovah Jireh |
Jubilate |
Let Us Break Bread Together |
Lift High The Cross |
Majesty |
Make Me A Channel Of Your
Peace |
Make Way, Make Way |
Morning Has Broken |
My Lord What Love Is This |
Oh Happy day |
Onward Christian Soldiers |
Our Eyes Have Seen The Glory |
Seek Ye First |
Shine Jesus Shine |
Stand Up Stand Up For Jesus |
Tell Out My Soul |
The Lords' My Shepherd |
This Is The Day |
To God Be The Glory |
Trust And Obey |
We Believe |
We Really Want To Thank You
Lord |
We Shall Stand |
Were You There |
What A Friend We Have In
Jesus |
What A Friend we Have In Jesus
2 |
Will Your Anchor Hold |
You Shall Go Out With Joy |
Led Like A Lamb |
Great Is The Lord |
From Heaven You Came |
Lord The Light Of Your Love (Shine
Jesus Shine) |
Father I Place Into Your
Hands |
Abide With Me |
And Can It Be |
Be Thou My Vision |
Breathe On Me, Breath of God |
Ah Lord God |
I Believe In Jesus |
I've Got Peace Like A River |
Blessed Assurance |
Rejoice, Rejoice, Christ is in
You |
Abide with me |
All hail the power of Jesus'
name |
All heaven declares |
Amazing Grace |
Christ the Lord is risen
today |
Come and see (we worship at your
feet) |
He's got the whole wide
world |
Holy, holy,holy is the
Lord |
How shall they hear |
I delight greatly in the
Lord |
I want to serve you, Lord |
Lord, for the years |
Praise to the Lord |
Spirit of the living God |
There is a name I love to hear (The
Saviour's name) |
Therefore the redeemed of the
Lord |
When we walk with the Lord |
One thing I ask |
Take up your cross |
Thank You for saving me |
Thy kingdom come, O
God |
Thy way, not mine, O Lord |
To Your majesty |
Wonderful counsellor |
Can a nation be changed |
Here is love vast as the
ocean |
How deep the Father's love for
us |
King of Kings, Majesty |
Let everything that has
breath |
The Lord's my Shepherd(alternative
version) |
The King of love (The King has
come) |
The world was in
darkness |
You are my
hiding-place |
You are worthy |
To Your majesty |
Our God is an awesome
God(Awesome God) |
Over the
mountains and the sea (I could sing of Your love for ever) |
The Spirit of
the sovereign Lord |
There's a
place where the streets shine (Because of You) |
This is my desire |
We have sung our songs
(How long?) |
We sing Your
mercies |
Who is there like
You? |
You are my strength (You
are my all in all) |
You rescued me |
Jesus, lover of my soul |
Love songs from heaven |
Jesus, lover of my soul |
Do not be afraid 1 |
Do not be afraid 2 |
We are gathering
together |
O God of burning, cleansing
flame (Send the fire) sequenced by Bill Fulton |
O God of burning, cleansing flame
(Send the fire)-(Yamaha XG voices) by B Fulton |
All earth was dark
(Light to the world) |
You are merciful
to me |
let us worship our redeemer |
By Your side |
Jesus is the
name we honour (Jesus is our God) |
Stir my heart |
Before the
throne of God above |
All around me,Lord (
sung in a round) |
Because He lives ( God
sent His Son) |
He is exalted |
A safe stronghold |
A new commandment |
O for a thousand tongues
to sing |
Guide me, O Thou
great Jehovah |
We are gathering
together |
Draw me close to the cross |
All hail the Lamb |
There's a quiet
understanding |
O Father of the
fatherless |
Jesus, I love you seq by James Batty |
Almighty God we bring You praise |
An army of ordinary people |
Ascribe greatness to our God the rock |
At the name of Jesus |
At this time of giving |
At Your feet we fall |
Because He lives |
Bless the Lord O my soul |
Cause me to come |
Christ triumphant |
Come and praise Him royal preisthood |
Darkness like a shroud |
El Shaddai |
Eternal Father strong to save |
Exalt the Lord our God |
Fill your hearts with joy |
For thou O Lord |
From the suns rising |
Glory glory in the highest |
God forgave my sin |
God is good |
God of glory we exalt Your name |
Hallelujah for the Lord our God |
Hallelujah my Father |
He gave me beauty |
He is exalted |
He is here, He is here |
He walked where I walk |
He was pierced (Like a lamb) |
Hevenu Shalom |
Hold me Lord |
Holy, Holy |
May God's blessing |
I do not know what lies ahead......NEW 2008 |
Lord make me a mountain.....NEW 2008 |
Spirit of God divine.....NEW 2008 |
The spirit lives.....2008 |
Praise the name of Jesus.....NEW 2008 |
Reconciled, I'm reconciled.....NEW 2008 |
Show your power, O Lord.....NEW 2008 |
New Mission Praise

Junior Praise
The Source
Above The Clash Of Creeds (No Other
Way) |
These Are The Days Of Elijah |
Here We Stand |
I Want To Be Out Of My Depth In Your
Love |
Our God Is Awesome In Power
(Warrior) |
Praise God From Whom All Blessings
Flow |
The World Is Looking For A Hero
(Champion) |
Wake Up, O Sleeper |
We Want To See Jesus Lifted
High |
As I come into your
presence (Awesome in this place) |
As the deer pants |
As we lift up your name
(Revivalfire,fall) |
As we seek your
face |
Blessing and honour (Ancient
of days) |
Celebrate Jesus |
Change my heart, O
God |
Did you feel the mountains
tremble |
Down the
mountain the river flows |
Faithful One |
Give thanks with a grateful
heart |
Hail, Jesus, you're my King
(Victory chant) |
Hail,Jesus,You're my King
(Victory chant) 2 |
I have made you too small (Be
magnified) |
I know a place(At the
Cross) |
In heavenly armour (The
battle belongs to the Lord) |
In heavenly armour (The
battle belongs to the Lord) |
I sing a simple song of love
(Arms of love) |
Lord,prepare me
(Sanctuary) |
Mighty is our God |
More love, more
power |
More love, more power2 |
More of your glory |
My life is in you,
Lord |
No other name |
O God of burning, cleansing fire
(send the fire) |
O God of burning, cleansing flame
2 |
O let the Son of
God enfold you (Spirit song) |
Only by grace |
Purify my heart (Refiners
fire) |
Righteousness, peace,
joy in the Holy Ghost |
Soon and very soon |
Take me past the
outer courts (Take me in) |
The heavens shall
declare |
The Lord reigns |
There is none like
you |
There's a wind
a-blowing (Sweet wind) |
Turn your eyes upon
Jesus |
Turn your eyes upon
Jesus 2 |
We bring the sacrifice
of praise |
When the music fades (The
heart of worship) |
You are mighty |
You are mighty 2 |
You are my passion |
Here I am |
Lord, you
are more precious to me |
My first love (Like a
child).....NEW |
Be free |
Peace I give to you |
Peace like a river |
Filled with compassion (For all the
people who live on the earth) |
Filled with compassion (For all the
people who live on the earth)(shorter version) |
Musicals /
Jerusalem Joy (2) / Jesus
Christ Superstar (1) / Godspel (12) / Classical

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