Oh boy how sick I feel. I think I have a cold. But no sickness would ever slow me down enough to not update my website for my adoring fans. All four of you. You know who you are. I took the liberty of adding some pictures to break the monotony of text. Also I added some drawings of random things. So you picture lovers better enjoy this.
Also Lenny never called me back. I guess my days of Lenny and I frolicking through the piles and piles of beagals will never happen. I'll never get to speak Spanglish to the Mexicans, not wear my hair net in the bakery, or take a whiz in the dough mixer. It seems as if I have no future now. All my hopes and dreams crushed by the doughy grasp of a man named Lenny.
posted by david brown
5.20.2002  |
Ta Da!!!! The new and improved site is up in all its grand splendor. Oh, it looks good if I may say so myself. Keep in mind however, that there are several things that aren't quite the way I want it. So keep coming back to see the updates. Granted, it may be several month's but I will get them done.
So I get a call the other day from a guy who wants me to come in for an interview. The thing is: it’s at bakery, Harlan Bakery. What would a stupid bakery need with and engineering student. I put little thought into, and went to interview this morning. The guy would called me comes in and introduces himself as Lenny, the project coordinator. So now I am on a tour of a bakery with a guy name Lenny and a hair net on. He walks me all through the plant and shows me all the Mexicans that work there. Well I shouldn't say work. The second they all saw Lenny and I they stopped working and looked at Lenny and I. But do have to admit that the tour was really cool. They had tons of neat machines and conveyer belts and huge freezers. The Harlan Bakery makes all the bagels for Einstein Bagels and all the bagels for McDonald's on the eastern U.S.. So after the interview I go into Lenny's office and I have to draw him things in AutoCAD. Then another fat guy came in with a hair net on and asks me about AutoCAD and if I know how to speak Spanish. So I guess my job is to do AutoCAD for Mexicans. So needless to say I don't think I want to work for Lenny and the Mexicans. Hey that sounds like a good song, "Lenny and Mex".
Also congratulations Becky on your "Top Cougar Award" :)
posted by david brown
5.14.2002  |