This page is being re-vamped... There may be a LOT of dead links especially in the pictures section.
This page is CONSTANTLY updated, so click reload if something is missing, cause i may be updating it at this moment

Hey Everyone!!

i'm back again, but i have to admit i'm doing a really bad job on this site, considering it hasn't been updated since February 1999... and so much has been going on for the bsbs now!!!

so i've decided to just leave this site on here, but i'm not going to update it again, since i don't have much time for it anymore.. but that doesn't mean i'm not a fan anymore KTBPA!!

If u see anything you like from my site, i guess u can just take it! actually, if it's the pictures please link it to my Thank You page, becuz none of the pix r mine n e wayz.. unless if u want to take over my page, write to me @ and i'll send u the password and if u have n e questions just ask me.. other wise keep the bsb pride alive!

luv always! Geri

ps. i promised to do something about the pix.. here's what i have so far nick, kevin, aj, howie, brian

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Backstreet Boys Web Directory

LOVE the Backstreet Boys? well, it's time to buy their CD!

LAST UPDATED ON: February 12, 1999

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