Brobish Tiburon Perdu
From Sonora to Santa Cruz.
Thrived for a bit there.
Everybody loved Santa Cruz.
Failed miserably in Seattle. 
Not initially, but eventually.
That's what friends are for.
Picking up the pieces in Portland.  It's not as much fun to pick up the pieces.

All of my music is out of print but we are writing more.  Most of my books have been destroyed but I am writing more.  It's not as much fun to pick up the pieces.  Especially when some of them rattle by your feet at the bus stop.  In the rain.

I am in close proximity of a cat.  This is good.  That's what friends are for.

If you have any information on hexagrams, please let me know.


        Brobish T. Perdu
Married six people but never took a spouse.
The Honor Roll:
Where I'm Calling From
Yahoo! Games
Brobish Ltd.
Exploding Dog
We can be reached here amongst the pond scum:
Name: Brobish Tiburon Perdu