Who Do You Love?
Well, I love The Doors. This page is dedicated to the one and only band The Doors. Please sign my guestbook and/or e-mail me for comments!
If you have any poetry you would like to submit to my poetry page, please e-mail me at ajhanson@usa.net. I would love any poetry dedicated to the Lizard King.
Our chat room will meet at 6:00 p.m. EST on the weekends and 9:00 p.m. EST on Wednesdays. Be there or be square!

View My Guestbook
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Do what the buttons say and no one will die
Recently, a man by the name of Brad Little had wrote me an e-mail for some poetry on my poetry page. I read it and thought it was really really good stuff. I thought it was so good, I decided to put a page of his own on the web page! If you would like to see some of his poems, click here Thank you for your time! Enjoy the poems!
Check out some awesome quotes from a few of my friends! They are so funny! Just click here.
Email me at ajhanson@usa.net in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.

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This is our banner! If you would like to use it on your site, just look at the source code, or contact me! Thanks!
Thanks to Dalin Casey for the pictures of Jim and the band