
For me Holiday time is about giving/receiving of music and such so it's always an exciting time of year. I gave everyone an "Angel Down" cd for the holidays. That makes me proud to have been rocking for many years with such a talented artist as Sebastian Bach. His new disk "Angel Down" showcases his undeniable vocal power. I have 2 copies,1 American and 1 Canadian.The American copy is a soft cover,which is called a Digipak and is safer for the enviroment,which should be mandatory in processing all future cd's. I love the subtle differences in both versions. Not surprising to those who know me-I wouldn't wait a week for the album to drop in Canada if I could get it in the States earlier,so I went over early and got a copy,lol.

This was interesting.........
My mom came by for a few hours and we talked,actually it was more like confiding in each other over a Tim Horton's coffee. This was nerve wracking to me.Nobody ever knew this......especially my mom.....Until now.
I told her when I was about 12 or 13,I'd skip school and go downtown walk all over Yonge St.I told her I remember one time walking down the street-The Gasworks was across the street on my right hand side(I still get goosebumps from this)and I recall seeing this person standing there with this wad of hair SO big I began to wonder if anyone was underneath it.I could not stop staring....I damn near smacked right into the lampost.I assumed the person to be playing at the club later in the evening.I turned to my friend and said I wanna go to The Gasworks!!!! I got smacked in the back of my head for that.I was bummed out cause I was way too young to go in and see the band rock.Many,many years later I found out who that was....I'm still in shock!! I love it!!


Cool,I just rented the documentary Metal-A Headbanger's Journey dvd.First of all I loved the idea it was filmed from a fans perspective and not some media guy who has no idea who Bruce Dickinson is.It was great to see Sam Dunn lit up and excited to do the interview.As a fan of rock and metal,I hope and anticipate this film will gain a new legion of fans worldwide.

~ A personal favourite piece of the film was Dee Snider v.s. PMRC. I was 10 when this happened.I caught word this debate was going to be on tv.I fucking remember sitting on the floor in front of the tv watching the events unfold.The accusations and finger pointing was running rampant.I recall Tipper Gore ranting about the lyrical content to Twisted Sisters Under The Blade song.I sat there in total disbelief as they tore up and mocked the music I was(and still am)proud to be listening to.
What made it even more disgusting was the accusations against the song was false.I'm 10 years old,screaming and yelling at the tv."that's NOT what the song is about".
Finally it was Dee's turn to speak.It was do or die.Never have I felt so much anticipation,intensity-it all came down to this.
Dee hauls out a neatly folded piece of paper and unfolds it-never once breaking the gaze between him and Tipper.He defended and explained the song Under The Blade,to the point I'm sitting there cheering and almost in tears as he left every one of them speechless,I barely recall him making a comment to Tipper about her dirty little  mind being in the gutter.I still beam from that memory,I just wished I had a video tape of it.

~ Funny,because only a few years later I went to  buy a metal album-I got up to the counter to pay for it and the guy fucking asked me how old I was-and like a dumbass,I said 13.He looked at me and said"I can't sell you this album,you're not old enough."
I turned to my Mom,gave her the album and the money-she paid for it and then turned around and gave it to me.I know the guy is just doing his job-but fuck that really sucked.I just looked at him and said it's only music.

When i awoke yesterday morning I was hearing different reports about a shooting at a nightclub.I ultimately learned that Pantera guitarist and Damageplan member who was playing that night,Dimebag Darrell was fatally shot.I am at a loss of words and understanding over this tragic event.We will probably never know the truth behind this vicious and disturbing assult,the only person who has the answers was fatally shot by a police officer.I still cannot comprehend such  hatred people have towards each other.
I had the privilege and honour to see Pantera live twice.Once at the Concert Hall here in Toronto and on the Slave to the Grind tour  with Skid Row and Killer Dwarfs.I was even fortunate enough to have picked up one of his guitar pics.His music and guitar styling will live on forever...........
May God bless  all those involved.




              DAMAGE PLAN      
