Last Update:July,6,1999

Backstreet Boys Downunder

Come and enjoy the site from downunder
Please feel free to come again.

Hey this is my friends page her name is Tanya and her site is about the Spice Girls!! which personally I don't like them but she does and i thought that she is like my only friend with a decent site so click on the link and surf your heart out!! GO GIRL POWER!!"

Here is another page of my OTHER friend Rose it is like sssooooo cool even though is in the process in the making!! but go there and have a sneek peek!! by clicking on the roses

HEY HEY!You all Backstreet Fans, Guess what? the new Backstreet Boys Album, "MILLENIUM" is out on the 17th of May 1999 (ONLY IN AUSTRALIA!!):)(just thought of telling you! Remember the 17th not 18th!)

Hey everybody this site isn't totally finished yet it is still in the process of being completed and i hope that you like this site!! Well NEALLY everything up to scratch and i hope that you really like it too!! well ENJOY!! Oh, If you have any suggestions about how I could improve on my site please tell me I would really appreciate it!

Here is a banner to my page highlight the instruction to add my banner to YOUR page. The code for the banner is:
(A HREF="/SunsetStrip/Cabaret/4596")(IMG SRC="/SunsetStrip/Cabaret/4596/dNuBm6152281.gif)
Remember that ( ) have to be changed to < >
and if you want to link my page to yours just place this banner to your page . BUT email me (email address is below) to tell me that you have linked me to your page and if you have a banner send it to me and i'll link your page to mine. ;) thanks heaps and surf in anytime you want!




This is a site for BSB lovers not haters so if ya hate them then go and visit an anti-BSB site!!!

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