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Charles Manson Music -
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Click on the image to the left to listen to songs from the "LIE" album, recorded in Van Nuys, California Aug 1968

Click the image to left to listen to listen to songs from the album "COMMEMORATION", recorded between 1982-85 at Vacaville prison.

Click the image to the left to listen to songs from the album "WAY OF THE WOLF", recorded at Vacaville in the mid eighties.

Click on the image to the left to listen to songs from the album "LIVE AT SAN QUENTIN", recorded at a Medical facility at Vacville, California during the mid eighties

Click the image to left to listen to songs from the album "UNPLUGGED", recorded in September of 1967 in Los Angelos.

Click on the image to the left to listen to songs from the album "THE MANSON FAMILY SINGS THE SONGS OF CHARLES MANSON", recorded in Los Angelos in 1970

Click on the image to the left to voice your opinion on the CHARLES MANSON MESSAGE BOARD about Charlie or his music.

"My music is not music. Its a rap, a talk. Nothing I do over. I do it once from the soul in a trance. Its not entertainment. I'm not a clown or an actor. I'm not in trade nor am I running for office. I'm a prophet calling out warnings of ATWA. I'm authority from god. Here is the trouble. We come out with new. Others grab it, run and make movies and t.v. shows with distorted bits and pieces of the real for money and approval and rock n roll stars. That cuts it off"-Charles Manson about his music


Manson Direct - Claims To have the most accurate and current information available about Charles Manson

Charlie Manson.Com - Lots of up to date info and a chat room too.

~Charles Manson Sounds~ - Lots of clips of Manson including the interview with Geraldo Rivera.

Peoples Temple Records - These guys are selling what was to be the last 2 installments of "The Charles Manson Lost Tapes". The sound quality isn't quite as good as the first volume of the Lost Tapes but is still pretty good for a 67 bootleg.

"He had this kind of music that nobody else was doing. He would sit down with a guitar and start playing and making up stuff, different every time. It just kept comin' out, comin' out. The he would stop and you would never hear that one again. Musically, I thought he was very unique. I thought he really had something crazy, something great. He was like a living poet."
- Neil Young on the music of Charles Manson

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