Here a new version of the Black Metal List that was erased from Internet since more than 1 years ego. I've decide to out it again and to own it myself cause that no one looked to wanted to do it : but I'm ready to regive it to the previous owner if ever they ask me.
Now, the new version isn't complete. That already make more than a mounth that I work on it alone, but this list wasn't updated since more than 1 years, and they are very many new album, and new bands that have come out since this time. So, I'm quit upset, and I need some help for finish it. I know that many people was working on it before, but unfortunly, I didn't have the e-mail list of the previous owner, so, it's why I ask here.
For people that was familiarised with the old list, I most informe you that I've take the liberty to change some thing on the form of the old list :
- Firstly : I've remove all the notice about each band are Nazi, and each band arn't white. I've remove it cause this list isn't here for help a political ideologie, or for say to some people what band buy or not. Anyway, I think that people that are really influenced by this aspect of a band have other way for know what band to buy or not.
- Secondly : cause that the list become really big (more than thousand bands now), I've decide to remove some band from the list. I've remove the band that I didn't consider black metal. I know that some people will not be agree with the remove of some bands (and in fact, they are some band that I remove for what I'm not sure if I was right). So, I've keep temporary all the band that I remove from the list with the notation (REMOVED). Now, if you'r not agree with the remove of a band, or think that I most remove some other band, let me know.
Here the list of the reasons why a band can be removed :
- There music is mostly industrial, electro, or any other anti-metal kind of music : I know that some will be disagree with it, but I don't care, I hate this and don't considere it metal, and since I'm the owner, I have the last word. If you're not agree, make for yourself a post-black metal list, or something like that.
- There music isn't really black metal, mostly death, thrash, doom, dark, or other stuff. This category is harder to define, cause sometime, it's mostly a question of taste, so I've tried to be impartial. It's mostly on this categorie that I need your opinion. I most said that I was more strict with the "popular" band. The reason : I considere that it's easy to find the album list of this "popular" bands, and that people who need it, didn't need of a Black Metal List for it. Also, this bands have often many album, and bootleg, so that make least work. (So don't argue me about this band)
- In the same spirit, I've decide to no more follow the steps of the bands that have stopped to make Black Metal (The same principal is used here). So, when a band stop to play black metal, I've put the notice "# Other albums, but no more Black Metal"
- I've also decide to no more listed the Black Metal compilation, cause that I don't personnaly see the interested of it, and also because that it's hard to make a complete list of the compilation… If you'r not agree with it, do yourself this compilation list, but I'll don't myself own it.
- For the question of the CD-R : firstly, band with CD-R wasn't added to the list : what I'm agree with. But the probleme is that they are many CD-R distributed by some lable, and in fact, it's sometime hard to know if it's true cd, or if it's cd-r. So, I've decide to add the band with CD-R, but only if one of this Cd-r was released by a "true" lable. (What I mean by true lable : a lable that have already out at least 5 true albums (Cd or vinyl) of more than one band).
- Last change, I've decide to didn't keep the initial form for the lable, I didn't find it useful, and in fact, it's more work to keep a lable initial page, and an album page.
Also, I've often see on the newsgroup people who was asked for the meaning of a band name, so, I thinked to had this band name meaning in the description of the band. I've check the list, and there are a bunch of band that I don't have any idea of what they mean, so if you can help on it too, that will be appreciated.
Thanks for your time and help!
You can make your change/add by sending me an e-mail at