The Ibaquez Home Page

Ibaquez Official Merchandise
Welcome to the Official Ibaquez Home Page. In this site do you know about "The master of the evil" Ibaquez of course...Ibaquez is a very good friend of Patrick Stewart, Brent Spinner, Wiiliam Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, all the presidents of the world, they had the honour to say "I´m friend of Ibaquez"
Here´s the Ibaquez Army:
Adrian David Allevato: Ibaquez´s Nickname: Gordo Boludo: Ibaquez´s principal slave. Ibaquez had a very strong power to control the little Allevato´s mind.
Federico Marcelo Zaina: Ibaquez´s Nickname: El Pendejo: For his luck Zaina was a very good friend of Ibaquez.
Juan Carlos Fernandez: Ibaquez´s Nickname: Vomito(he too is called Genius):Juan C. was a excellent Ibaquez´s friend. He too was for the "Ibaquez Secret Order" a very dangerous organization around the world, he was a very good aprendiz of the Ibaquez culture.
Nicolas Alejandro Torchio: Ibaquez´s Nickname: El boludo de Torchio: Nicolas and Ibaquez had a dangerous friendship, in the Inglish hour they make plans to conquer the world. He too was a very good friend of Ibaquez.
German Martinez: The Ibaquez more lethal enemy Allevato and German fight once time German won that mach.
But Allevato never forget.
Federico Nestor Herrera: Ibaquez´s Nickname: La Nona: Herrera was neutral in the troop.
Thanks for visit the Ibaquez Home page if you want to be a Ibaquez friend please send your Photo and name and you will be a new Ibaquez Friend. And remember Ibaquez be with you allways!!!
Another photo of "The Master"
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